【多買多折】Prime Exam Skills Power-up! English Test Papers 4B
text_isbn 9789888902316
HK$ 80
- Provides effective revision of all assessment focuses
- All mock papers are aligned with the latest curriculum guide and major textbooks.
- Challenging questions are included to strengthen students’ knowledge on key concepts
- Enables a strong mastery of key exam skills
- Each book contains 5 tests, featuring question types commonly found in TSA and HKAT.
- A suggested time is given for each test and for each section of the test to enhance students’ time management skills.
- Elements of STEAM, Reading across the Curriculum, and National Education are included to broaden students’ horizons.
- Includes a free personalised diagnostic assessment with follow-up exercises
- The interactive summative assessment with a performance analysis and follow-up exercises on our online diagnostic platform help to consolidate students’ learning and prepare for school exams.
- Completes with a comprehensive handbook on exam skills
- Complemented with grammar videos, the handbook provides detailed explanations in Chinese, helping students to master essential exam skills and avoid making common mistakes.
- 高效複習所有評估重點
- 參照最新課程指引及各大出版社的課本編寫,涵蓋所有重要知識
- 容易失分的難題以圖案標示,配合答案解說,有助提升學生水平
- 掌握真實考試模式,輕鬆面對考試
- 每冊設有5份測驗卷,參照歷年TSA及HKAT編排及題型編寫
- 特設答題時限小提示,有效訓練答題時間的分配技巧
- 涵括STEAM、跨課程閱讀以及國民教育熱門主題,有助學生擴闊視野
- 附送診斷評估跟務、針對弱項重點特訓
- 期末考試前利用網上診斷評估測驗,進行互動性的總結性評估,獲得專屬的分析報告,其中包括個人化的跟進建議及針對弱項作重點特訓
- 附特訓手冊,評估重點、參考答案、解說一應俱全
- 提供參考答案,部分題目設詳盡解說,更可觀看解說影片,幫助破解難題及常犯錯誤
- 附上星級導師的應試精讀筆記及影片,提供不同範疇的獨家答題技巧